In Mountains and Rivers
Many people have asked me, “Why do you only paint landscape instead of potraits now?”
I thought about the question for a while, and here is my answer below.
First of all, too many people paint portraits well now, I think I could not be any better than them, nor could I get beyond my past. I should change after getting good opinion, and not lose face on continuing my figure painting without new progress.
However, the more important thing is my mood has changed now. I have peace in mind now, and I’m not interested in all disputes, and all the things making noises. All the noise is made by people, so I am really getting tired of the noisy crowd, and I do not want to paint the annoying things again.
This naturally brings me back into landscape painting. I was born in a valley near Huangshan Mountain, where its aura and delicate environment has long soaked my soul, flesh and blood. I have brithright deep feeling with the plants, stones and even mosses. I have deep love to my silent partner of childhood, the valley raising me up, and even all the grass and gravel by the stream. Green mountains and rivers, great and wonderful nature, I am back! Your prodigal son comes back! I am back to embrace you, and I want to pay tribute to you! With the rest of my life, I would like to portray you, to praise you, to eulogize you, and describe your beauty and youth forever!
A journalist once asked me last year, “You have given up portraits and began painting landscape, Does it mean that you want to be relaxed, and to rest on your past laurels?”
I said, “To relax, I have thought about this, but there’s no priority lying between landscape and portraits. As long as I have the energy, without presbyopia and shaking hands, nor God calld me back so quickly, I really would like to make some achievements on landscape painting. I am just in my seventies, and am not very old. The best works of my town fellow Huang Binhong (We were both born in Huangshan Mountain area) came out in his seventies, eighties and nineties, isn’t it a pity if I missed the opportunity and ‘wind up my business’ too early?”
My friends are very concerned about the future direction of my art. I answered, “First, I decided to be a vegetarian and to give up portraits to paint landscape only. Second, I will have modern idea, but I’ll never indulge myself into concept art, and I will be neither fashionable nor conservative.”
Artistic creation is now entering a very active era. During the great combination of art of China and the West, mountain fortress and flags are seen everywhere, and all kinds of philosophies, schools and concept are seeking their own place. I am a bystander, and find these plays interesting. However, I do not want to go inside to play with them, but just play on my own. I am just enjoying my painting, and living on my painting. I admire the leisurely, contented manner and consistent peaceful attitude of the ancient Chinese painters, as it is said in an ancient article that the intention of a drunkard lies not in alcohol but in mountains and rivers.
Shao Zenghu (Translated by Tan Chang)
In 2008
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