出生年份: 1937~年
擅 长: 油画
毕业院校: 广州美术学院
创作年代 | 2008年作 | 尺寸 | 85*65cm |
材质 | 布面油画 Oil on Canvas |
装裱 | |
题材 | 所属系列 | 《南方油画名家:邵增虎风景油画集》 | |
作品描述 | 广东美术馆收藏 邵增虎素以优秀军旅画家着称,他的一系列“主旋律”创作堪称“史碑”式记录,其中尤以《农机专家之死》(1979年)等代表作最能震撼人心,为那个特殊的时代作了生动的写照。 如今他更是一位杰出的当代油画家。近20年来,他以一个“远行者”的身份创作了大量的风景画,或是气象恢弘的大远景(如《远山》、《草原人家》),或是耐人寻味的“截景”、小景(如《溪水》、《老朽之美》),但却体现了相对统一、个性鲜明的风格特征。在具象方法的“基石”之上,又融入了现代的表现性语言和抽象意识,表面上看浓郁斑斓,热烈奔放;实质却是厚实质朴、凝重内敛,且寓含哲理性。他所表达的,已不是通常意义上的抒情或诗意,而是一种博大的男人胸怀与人文历史的沧桑感。他也不是在描绘风景,而是在“雕塑”风景。正是在这个意义之上,他的油画创作具有了一种纯粹的意义。 —— 陈孝信 Shao Zenghu is renowed as a military painter, and a series of his works on the main theme could be called "monument of art history", particularly for the stirring art work named Death of the Agricultural Machinery Expert (1979), made a vivid portrait for that particular era. Now, he is an outstanding contemporary oil painter. Over the past two decades, he has been creating a large number of landscape paintings as a "traveller", by his large and broad paintings (like Mountains and Prairie People), or thought-provoking screenshots and little scene (such as Stream, Beauty of the Senile), but all of them reflects a distinct style relatively uniform with unique personality. That is, to inject the performance of a modern language and abstract sense into the "cornerstone" of realistic method. Thus the works appear rich, colorful, warm and imaginative in the surface, yet have an inner quality of being thick, simple, dignified introverted, and with philosophical content. What he expressed is not the usual lyrical or poetic sense, but a sense of broad mind and vicissitudes of human history. He does not only describe the scenery, but sculpture landscape on his painting. Especially in this sense, his oil paintings have a purely significance. (Translated by Tan Chang) —— Chen Xiaoxin |
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