出生年份: 1937~年
擅 长: 油画
毕业院校: 广州美术学院
创作年代 | 2010年作 | 尺寸 | 55*84cm |
材质 | 布面油画 Oil on Canvas |
装裱 | |
题材 | 所属系列 | 《南方油画名家:邵增虎风景油画集》 | |
作品描述 | “老虎”之画,少有画笔软毫描出,多用画刀纵横涂抹。其画要“三看”:近看仅斑斑点点,只见肌理不显形态;中看是模模糊糊,初见形色而难辨细节;远看则清清楚楚,顿显全景而洞察秋毫。会“三看”者,莫不拍案叫绝。 —— 谭天 Tiger (Shao Zenghu is usually called tiger in art circle) usually uses palette knife to paint with great ease and seldom uses brushes to draw. We have three ways to enjoy his paintings:First, watch closely---only spots, no shapes, and then step back, vague impression appears---rough shapes and colors but no details. Finally, look at it at a distance---both panorama and details unveiled. After going through the three ways of appreciation, nearly everyone showed extreme surprise or admiration by pounding the table. —— Tan Tian |
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